Maria Immacolata Macioti (8 December 1942-10 July 2021), member of the International Advisory Board of ICSOR and former full professor of Cultural Processes at the Sapienza, where she taught for over thirty years, especially Sociology of Religion and Institutions of Sociology, but also Sociology of Communication and others. In addition to these subjects, she has been interested in migration processes and refugees and asylum seekers, urban peripheries and social exclusion, memory and qualitative sociology. In 2009 and 2010 she was vice-president of SUAA, the Federated University of Humanities, Arts and the Environment. In addition to editing the quarterly "La critica sociologica", she is in charge of the Permanent Observatory for Refugee Victims of War of the ANRP. In addition, she was extraordinary professor in Sociology at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the International Telematic University Uninettuno.
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