Angela Perulli is Associate Professor of Sociology. She teaches Sociology, Theories of Social Action and Sociology of Everyday Life at the School of Political Science "C. Alfieri" in Florence. She is Vice-coordinator of the PhD programme in Social and Political Change (University of Turin and University of Florence). She is Editor in Chief of "Cambio. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali" (FUP), member of the steering committee of "Stato e Mercato" (il Mulino) and Italian editor of Human Figurations (MP). Member of the Editorial Board of Firenze University Press, she is Fellow of the N. Elias Foundation.
She deals with topics related to social transformation, in particular to the relationship between individual society, the emotional dimension and the new forms of "doing" society. She is a specialist in the thinking of N. Elias and has also translated books and lesser-known writings. Recently she co-coordinated a Prin research project on the Third Mission of Italian academics and promoted an OpenLab on the effects of Covid19 (
Among her publications: A. Perulli, F. Ramella, M. Rostan, R. Semenza (edited by) (2019), La terza missione degli accademici italiani, Bologna, Il Mulino; A. Perulli (2016), Il sillogismo scientista e il paradosso temporale, in A. Marradi, Oltre il complesso d’inferiorità. Un’epistemologia per le scienze sociali, Milano: F. Angeli; P. Giovannini; A. Perulli (2016), Emozioni e mobilità sociale, in “Quaderni di teoria sociale”; A. Perulli, (2016). Everyday Life in Figurational Approach: A Meso Level for Sociological Analysis, in “Historical Social Research”; A. Perulli (2012). Norbert Elias. Processi e parole della sociologia, Roma: Carocci.