Salvatore Abbruzzese



He graduated in Sociology in Rome "La Sapienza" in 1978 and received a PhD in Sociology at theUniversité Paris V-René Descartes in December 1981. Researcher at the Faculty of Sociology of Trento in 1993, he has been a first-level professor since 2002. His main interest research is the relationship between religions and modernity in contemporary society. The concrete activities concentrated on values, processes of cultural change and those of social re-composition of networks and groups. He is a member of the Société Internationale des Sociologues de la Religion and of the Editorial Board of the Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions. Among his publications: The sociology of Tocqueville (Rubbettino 2005) A modern desire for God. Reasons for believing in Italy (Rubbettino 2010); Modernity and individual. Sociology of cultural processes (ELS La Scuola 2016); The Rimini Meeting: From anxieties to certainties (Morcelliana, 2019).



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