Sergio Marotta is Professor of Sociology of Law in the Department of
Education, Psychology and Communication of University of Naples “Suor Orsola Benincasa”,
where he teaches ‘Sociology of Law and Social Change’ and ‘Work and Social Change’. Prof. Marotta trained as a jurist at the Law School of the University of Naples, Federico II and at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies. Le nuove feudalità. Società e diritto nell’epoca della globalizzazione (2007) e L’individuo senza Stato. Globalizzazione e sfera pubblica (2008).
He was engaged in research on the theoretical and political work of Silvio Spaventa (1822-93), which led to a new edition of Spaventa’s speeches on the nationalization of Italian railways. He has been interested in judicial deontology; with Giovanna Visintini, he has been the editor of a collective work on that subject: Ethics and judicial deontology (Naples 2003). Prof. Marotta has investigated on the history of political corruption in Naples between the 19th and 20th century in relation to the characteristics of the Neapolitan society and of the so-called Corruzione politica e società napoletana: l’Inchiesta Saredo (2012).
His main research interests focus on the relationship between law and the economy in the context of globalization. Currently, he is investigating the sociological and juridical problems related to public property and the ‘common goods’. More specifically, he is dealing with the critical relationship between citizenship and governance related to the management of water services in Italy.
Sergio Marotta has published widely in the fields of Law and Economics. He is a member of the editorial boards of several prestigious law and sociological journals and serves on the scientific board of the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies (Naples). Prof. Marotta was a Visiting Scholar at the Kent Law School, University of Kent, UK.
A quest’ultimo argomento è dedicato il volume Le forme dell’acqua. Economia e politiche del diritto nella gestione delle risorse idriche (2019) che ha ottenuto la Menzione speciale della Giuria del Premio Sele d’Oro Mezzogiorno.