Pubblicazione del Vol. 14, N. 1 (2024) della rivista Italian Sociological Review

Italian Sociological Review
I contributi nel Vol. 14, N. 1 (2024):

• Self-Perception of Young University Students About Their Leisure Time Before, During and After COVID-19. An Approach to the Spanish Context
Fernando López-Noguero, José Alberto Gallardo-López, Irene García-Lázaro, Verónica Sevillano-Monje

• The World after Covid-19. The New Phase of Italian Third Sector Evolution.
Michele Bianchi

• The Gleno Dam Disaster (1923). Cultural Trauma and Collective Memories of an In-Depth Mountain Community in Italy a Century Later
Lorenzo Migliorati

• Iconic Brands’ Sustainability, Socioeconomic Contexts and the Nigerian Experience
Anthony Okoeguale

• Negotiating Gender in the Digital Age: Young People and the Representation of Femininity and Masculinity on Social Media
Cosimo Marco Scarcelli, Manolo Farci

• Coping With Gender Norms. Constructions of Masculinity Between Autonomy and Dependence
Vulca Fidolini

• ‘Choosing the Gender We Feel We Are Is a Profound Choice’. Gender Identities and Sexual Orientations Among Young People
Luca Guizzardi

• Transformative dynamics of corruptive systems
Annamaria Rufino

• Work and Digital Technologies. A Proposal for Analysis
Giogio Gosetti

I papers sono consultabili alla pagina web di ISR
