Vol. 15 No. 1 (2025) della rivista Italian Sociological Review

Si comunica che è online il Vol. 15 No. 1 (2025) della rivista Italian Sociological Review.

I contributi (OPEN ACCESS) nel Vol. 15 No. 1 (2025):

The Multiple Nuances of Online Firestorms: The Case of a Pro-Vietnam Attack on the Facebook Digital Embassy of China in Italy Amidst the Pandemic
Nicola Righetti

The Deconstruction of Women’s Values in #MeToo on Instagram
Henky Fernando, Yuniar Galuh Larasati, Irwan Abdullah, Vincamira Tasha Florika, Cut Irna Liyana

Modern Times of Living (Loving) and Working: What Has Happened to Them?
Riccardo Sartori, Alessandro Mancini, Simone Ceschi

Taking Cultural Heritage Seriously. Sociological Theory, Emotions and Human Rights. Niklas Luhmann in Memoriam
Stefano Magnolo, Ana Galán-Pérez

Mapping Reproductive Health of Indigenous Women in India: A Systematic Review
Dipannita Chand, Shikha Rai, Rupsha Chakraborty

Did Intimate Partner Violence Increase After the First COVID-19 Lockdown? A Study with Women Attending Antiviolence Centers in Italy
Patrizia Romito, Marchand-Martin Laetitia, Pellegrini Martina, Saurel-Cubizolles Marie-Josèphe

“Society at Large Is Eteronomous”: Cornelius Castoriadis and the Poietic Creation
Andrea Lombardinilo

Between “Here” and “There”: Toward Understanding Emigration Representations and Perceptions Among Algerian Physicians
Taqiyeddine Benfifi

I contributi sono consultabili alla pagina web di ISR.
